
No One Dies Alone (NODA)

No One Dies Alone (NODA) helps people and families in the last 72 hours of life, providing respite, companions for those with no family or friends able to visit.

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Back Home Visitors / Palliative Care Companions

Back Home Visitors offer companionship and support to those who feel lonely or isolated, especially the elderly and those returning home from hospital.

Box Initiatives

We are dedicated to providing support and comfort to individuals in need. Through various box initiatives, with the help of our donaters and volunteers, we aim to brighten the lives of patients in hospitals and those returning home.


Friendship Hub

We provide a Friendship Hub in Inverclyde to help address widespread social isolation and loneliness in Inverclyde.

New Mum Companions

New Mum Companions will provide vital practical support, a listening ear and friendship for people identified by Social Work as struggling with their new role due to a lack of networks or isolation.

Compassionate Inverclyde New Mum
Community Engagement Compassionate Inverclyde

Ongoing Community Engagement

Ongoing Community Engagement allowed us to determine the unmet needs within communities of interest, helping identify where compassion and kindness can be expanded. We will continue to do so, ensuring that our programme evolves and extends to meet the needs of people across Inverclyde, particularly those experiencing bereavement and loss.

High 5 Programme

The High 5 Programme is a five-week initiative designed to promote and improve well-being.

compassionate inverclyde - High 5 Programme
Singing Group Compassionate Inverclyde

Singing Group

A friendly singing group that meets monthly in Greenock to provide a supportive and inclusive environment for local music enthusiasts, helping to reduce social isolation

Selfcare 360 wellbeing programme

The Selfcare 360 wellbeing program offers a holistic approach to self-care, combining evidence-based techniques to address physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects of health.

Selfcare Compassionate Inverclyde
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